Ground Rule

As much as I’m sure you guys enjoy hearing every word that pours out from my fingertips to my phone’s keyboard, I think it may be time to mix things up a bit around here. One voice can get pretty monotonous after a while, even if it’s mine.

I’d like to invite Dianna to be able to post whatever she wants here, too, but I don’t want her to feel like I’m spying on her. I mean, we’re together almost all the time, and I’d like to give her as much privacy as I can, considering we spend most of our days and nights with everything we do visible from the neighbors’ houses.

The View from Across the Street

The View from Across the Street

So, I’m really just going to set one rule: I’m not allowed to read her posts, and she’s not allowed to read mine. That way, we each get our own space to talk about whatever we want, without having to worry about holding back things we don’t think the other person would want to read.

It’s not negotiable, as far as I’m concerned.

Hopefully, this’ll give us each enough freedom to talk about whatever we want without having to worry about hurting anyone’s feelings, or like Big Brother is watching our every move.